۶ کشته و زخمی گروه طالبان در کابل
مبارزین جبهه آزادی افغانستان شام امروز مؤرخ ۵ سنبله ۱۴۰۳ خورشیدی طی عملیات مؤفق…
مبارزین جبهه آزادی افغانستان شام امروز مؤرخ ۵ سنبله ۱۴۰۳ خورشیدی طی عملیات مؤفق…
د افغانستان د ازادۍ جبهې مبارزینو پرون ماښام د ۱۴۰۳ لمریز کال د اسد په ۲۷ مه، د…
Freedom fighter of the AFF targeted a convoy of the Taliban Interior ministry militias on Monday, August 17, 2024, in Parwan 3 Square PD4 Kabul city. As a result of this operation, four Taliban militias were killed, and one other was injured.
مبارزین جبهه آزادی افغانستان، شام امروز مؤرخ ۲۷ اسد ۱۴۰۳ خورشیدی در ساحه پروان …
AFF freedom fighters targeted a convoy of Taliban intelligence militia on the #Kabul-Nangarhar road in the 12th district, near the Taliban GDI township. In this operation, two notorious Taliban intelligence officers were killed, and another was injured.